How to make a free-standing pillar candle?

Instruction how to make a vanilla candle...

All you need is...

  • Candle wax (paraffin, rapeseed or soy wax)
  • Pillar molds (silicone or metal based), in desired shape and size
  • CandleCraft fragrance oil 
  • CandleCraft candle colors 
  • Wick(s)
  • A pot or a double-walled water bath (e.g. a simmer or milk pot)
  • A thermometer
  • And a stirring stick

Step 1: Prepare materials

  • Choose a propriate pillar shape and clean it 
  • Measure or wheigh the wax needed
  • If desired, choose a favorite color and have it ready
  • Choose your special CandleCraft fragrance oil

Step 2: Place wick

  • Attach the wick to the centre of the container.
  • You can secure the wick to the bottom of the container with a wick stick or a glue dot to keep it straight.  

Step 3: Melt wax

  • Melt the wax in a wax melting pot or double-walled water bath
  • Pay attention to melting, mixing and pouring temperatures and to follow the wax manufacturer's instructions
    • It is important that the wax does not get too hot, it must not boil and should only be heated to 80°C (use the thermometer for this)

Step 4: Addition of vanilla oil and dyes

  • First add the dye and mix it well 
  • Add the vanilla oil to the melted wax
  • Stir the vanilla oil gently and calmly to distribute it evenly and avoid creating air bubbles
    • The exact amount of candle fragrance oil depends on the desired intensity 
    • Follow the fragrance oil manufacturer's instructions for dosage 
    • We describe further information on dosing the candle scent here

Step 5: Pouring

  • Carefully pour the melted wax into the pillar from, keeping the wick in the centre
  • Allow the scented wax to cool completely and harden, this my take a few hours
  • Carefully remove the candle from the mold by slowly squeezing it out or carefully cutting the mold open

Step 6: Cut the wick

  • Cut the wick to the desired length  
  • Voilà! Your homemade candle is ready to spread coziness.   
  • As an extra you can spread different fragrance oils and candle colors that give your candle great aromas.   
  • Just take a look at our CandleCraft shop.